The future of music is here. MusiComms 2018. November 5, 2018 Omni
Nashville Hotel
This event focuses on innovation and collaboration, with the goal of
identifying new market opportunities, and paths for music monetization.
This is where IoT meets music.
Join industry leaders on November 5th, 2018 in Nashville, TN to define the
future of music consumption, with a focus on leveraging the unique qualities
of music to design and implement sophisticated customer experience programs.
MusiComms is the premier event that brings together experts in service
delivery and network innovation with the most creative and driven minds
in the music industry. Together we define the future of music
distribution for the new digital economy, leveraging IoT for new
distribution models. We focus on a number of core service delivery
industries including communications, energy and utilities, automotive,
and together explore leveraging music as a customer experience tool.
Topics this year will include, but are not limited to:
Unified database for music modernization
Smart home
Smart licensing
Music and Big Data
360 customer experience and applications development
Cloud monetization models
The future in the vehicle
Stakeholder collaboration
Music as an incentive
Companies and Organizations
Sm@rt Home Interactive Experience
MusiComms is about business and not just theory. It’s about moving industry at the same pace
as innovation, and that means demonstrating collaboration models together with real-world
product availability.
This year’s event in Nashville will feature a fully integrated and interactive smart home
exhibit that attendees can explore.
To learn more about how your company or technology can be featured in the smart home,
MusiComms is defining the roadmap for the future of music.
Join us on November 5th as we leverage new communications technologies and applications to
build a stronger, more sustainable business music model together.
If you have any questions or to register for the event, please click one of the options
Sm@rt Home Interactive Experience
Explore the future of music live from the show.
MusiComms Promotional Video
MusiComms Event Agenda
8am Breakfast and Registration
9am Keynote
10-11 Digital Transformation: Evolving the Current Streaming Model
11-12 Music Innovation: Business Opportunities and the Impact of IoT and Content on the
Music Business
12-1 Lunch
1-2 The Future of Music in the Vehicle
2-3 The Future of Smart Music in the Home
3-4 Energy and Music: Perfect Together
4-5 Music Publishing: Opportunities for Songwriters in a Content Driven World